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Mastodon is the most corporate product out of all Fedi software. This fact has been true since long ago and the new US legal entity changes exactly nothing.

唉 食物生虫又不敢往厨房喷杀虫剂

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the lesson *I'm* choosing to take from xz, as an oss maintainer, is that anyone trying to pressure or guilt me into doing something should immediately be told no, for security reasons

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subscribing to oss-security@ be like "Excessive time spent checking invalid RSA public keys", "Reflected XSS except it does not execute due to CSP", and then you become :cerealspit: seeing "backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise" notification

(if this is how you learned,

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不过是早上打开Teams的时候觉得启动有点慢,就去上了个网,回过神来怎么就三点半了 :ablobcatknitsweats:

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DoorDash 的网页卡得一塌糊涂,加载订单状态页面要整整五秒,Resize 浏览器窗口会导致对话框消失不得不重新填写,面向加拿大用户的信用卡信息框里 Zip code 却不能写字母 ...

但打开 F12 可以看到里面塞满了 1.2k 个被 uBlock Origin Block 掉的数据收集请求,而这个数字每分每秒都在增加,我发现只要是点击网页中的任何按钮、输入文字、切换窗口,都会不断地给两三个不同的统计服务商发送请求,每次按下键盘都会发送好几个。

这就是当代互联网,用最烂的前端写出最浪费 CPU Cycle 和流量的垃圾,不光软件做得很烂,还就知道在里面塞各种各样的数据收集。

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(1) Google turned an
open standard that is RCS into their proprietary thing; and
(2) Google intentionally confused users between the open RCS standard and their proprietary extensions; and
(3) Now Google blocks legitimate users who just want to have more control over their devices from even using their supposedly "open" messaging standard

So much for "open". Stop pretending to be the good guy.

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is it normal to jolt down 12 todos at the end of a day :0090:

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you're swapping your access cache sounds more terrifying than your desk is a mess

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When I was a smartass computer nerd in the 80s and 90s, an eternal theme was friends and family sheepishly asking me for tech support help, and me slowly, patiently explaining to them that computers aren't scary, they're actually predictable, they won't explode or erase your data (unless you really make an effort), and they operate by simple (if somewhat arcane) rules. Edit > Cut, then click, then Edit > Paste. Save As. Use tabs, not spaces. Stuff like that. Maybe not easy, but simple, or at least consistent and learnable.

But that's not true anymore.

User interfaces lag. Text lies. Buttons don't click. Buttons don't even look like buttons! Panels pop up and obscure your workspace and you can't move or remove them -- a tiny floating x and a few horizontal lines is all you get. Mobile and web apps lose your draft text, refresh at whim, silently swallow errors, mysteriously move shit around when you're not looking, hide menus, bury options, don't respect or don't remember your chosen settings. Doing the same thing gives different results. The carefully researched PARC principles of human-computer interaction -- feedback, discoverabilty, affordances, consistency, personalization -- all that fundamental Don Norman shit -- have been completely discarded.

My tech support calls now are about me sadly explaining there's nothing I can do. Computers suck now. They run on superstition, not science. It's a real tragedy for humanity and I have no idea how to fix it.

#HCI #UX #UI #okdoomer

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