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整个歌单都应该是放松的轻音乐 但是其中有一首在osu打过……

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euphemism is an objectively less efficient communication technique but may sometimes be perceived as subjectively more appropriate to the social context for a given culture

professional hazard :elder_phone:

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The “Alex" ruleset to “catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing” suggests that instead of “ADHD", I should write "disorganized", "distracted", "energetic", "hyperactive", "impetuous", "impulsive", "inattentive", "restless", or "unfocused”.

What, no. Those are all worse.

I have ADHD. That means my brain is wired to think in one manner instead of the "preferred" one. It's not shameful. I'm not "disorganized”, or “inattentive”, or “impetuous”. WTF. No.

systemd does not clean up a zombie process with a running background thread

the running thread cannot be killed because the process is already dead

this sounds like CPU ransomware material :0090:

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偶然看到这篇关于asker vs guesser的文章,生活中很多奇葩现象一下就有了名字。
Ask culture人群在社交中,想要什么就直接提出来,即使被当面砍价或拒绝,也不会觉得怎么样。
Guess culture人群非常抵触被拒绝或者拒绝别人,认为这种情况是对人际关系极大的损伤。他们习惯通过旁敲侧击和情绪暗示,让对方主动提供解决方案。
Guess culture尤其常见于东亚文化。这两种人在自己的圈子里生活都完全没有问题,但越是多元化的环境,ask culture越有优势。

did partnership come from marriage, or did marriage come from partnership?

my reading pomodoro comprises 25 minutes spent on a single page of paper and 5 minutes of wtf did I just read :8091:

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All engineering is reverse engineering if you document things poorly enough.

所以ChatGPT可以用作战争但不能用来写小黄文……怕不是得再来一遍make love, not war

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It's called "research" because the thing you're studying has already been studied before without your knowledge.

发现可爱是一种技巧之后 慢慢对可爱无感(

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@protonmail Can we please stop using this as a marketing point?? Don't integrate your two-factor method (like TOTP) into your password manager! That effectively makes it single-factor, especially if you--like a lot of people--don't always lock your password manager after each use.

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