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> pass a URL
> Get code execution

What is this… an IRC bot in shell script?
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rant aside, a donation is still worth it. it's not like people check other corporation's tax return as a part of due diligence process for household procurement

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The charity world is as weird as other corporates. Internet Archive had a ~$17m grant that went to Open Library of Richmond Inc., which had a yearly functional expense of ~$5.4m including a grant to Open Library of Pennsylvania LLC for real estate (financial audit not found) and another grant to Internet Archive (???). Having activities aggregated to numbers without context is weird enough, you might as well have a for-profit corporation like Mozilla 😂

"many objections to markets are actually objections to the pre-existing distribution of wealth and power" - Dr. Michael Munger

this line hit me like an awakening... the professor is definitely a libertarian but he also addresses the pre-existing distribution of wealth and power

personally, a snowflake is the most touching concretion (pun intended) of statistical odds in reality, since I don't really understand quantum physics.

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Of course Elsevier's "enhanced pdf viewer" tracks where you click, view, if you hide the page, etc. and then transmits a big base64 blob of events along with ID from University proxy when you leave. I'm sure straight to SciVal for sale.
Is this the way we want science to work?

为什么我认识的物理人都凭实力单身,我知道的物理人又花边不断 :elder_phone:

完蛋,我想了半天怎么从虚拟机里往外搬东西,后来还是开了个网卡跑 http.server

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@loikein 我想用电视播大于4GB的4K mkv,电视只支持NTFS和FAT。PT下好的mkv在Mac上,我想用Windows电脑拷到U盘里 :ablobdizzy:

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"It is easier to port a shell than a shell script."
-- Larry Wall
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so I wrote a primitive sniffer that's very likely to get myself hacked just because I didn't want wireshark storing all my network packets... I wonder why wireshark couldn't discard irrelevant packets in real time with its powerful display filters, I only need like under 2% of the captured packets even after bpf filtering.

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