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is it normal to get excited about depressing economic principles

libpcap's beginner guide is surprisingly easy to follow

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@PeterCxy @niconiconi Where are anime girl pics with ARRL Handbook 2022 version?

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political professor: Duverger's law (that single-ballot plurality-rule elections structured within single-member districts tend to favor a two-party system) saves us from Condorcet paradox (that collective preferences can be cyclic, even if the preferences of individual voters are not cyclic)

average voter: why do we have more choices for breakfast cereals than political parties


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@alexandra developing dotNet programs but using Mono and then only shipping for Linux and BSD

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Are machine learning algorithms chaotic systems? I'm working on an assignment from one of my course and even just switching the python version / slightly changing the compiler parameters for python will result in drastically different results.

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> Geez, people, please calm down: you're arguing the mergeability of a merge request to an unmaintained project that is probably not going get merged anyway

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