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ghosted boosted "protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor" is C++'s "monoid in the category of endofunctors"

草 查了半天虚拟机3D加速问题 发现是显存不够

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RT The year is 20XX. Web apps are built in C++ and Rust with WebAssembly, and desktop apps are built in JavaScript with Electron.

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Imagine that Google made an email app called "Email" that hid other email servers than their own unless you went looking for them.

That's how I feel about a client being called "Mastodon".

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I just learned the existence of the project a-Shell. It provides a Unix command-line environment on iOS, including tools like clang, TeX, and ffmpeg. Unlike iSH, another Unix CLI app permitted by Apple, which uses pure software emulation in a sandbox, a-Shell tools are compiled to WebAssembly binaries, so it has much better performance via Safari's JIT.

The predictions made in "The Birth & Death of JavaScript" has really came true.

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#DOFH excuse #99:

We migrated from serverless to useless infrastructure.


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草,用ChatGPT练Stasis theory是个不错的体验,主要是双方都可以保证对话过程很理性……

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If a 'train station' is where a train stops, what's a 'workstation'?

why don't geeks have romantic relationships? because they need to reduce coupling :0090:

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!