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it feels ridiculously weird when I'm trying to find an interesting book in a catalog by just reading the titles

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This feels satisfying after all the work. #Lenovo sells laptops with #Fedora on their website. \o/
And as a bonus Fedora contributors get a sizable discount!

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I was notified that @tateisu's Mastodon app "Subway Tooter" has received a warning from the Google Play Store citing user-generated content that "incites discrimination".

A Mastodon app does not host or promote any content. The user types the address to connect to. The responsibility of moderating resides with that server. So unless Google is going to drop Chrome, Firefox and Opera from its platform, this is completely out of line.

Source in Japanese:

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git config --global init.defaultBranch goshujin-sama

A random reminder about the possibility that your computer/phone/storage could die at any moment, like, right now. are you prepared?

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@maoyaoyao @magma 预感继「国男」之后,「左男」可能成为你象热词。
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Sometimes when I post on Reddit I feel like that outsider in a group of really
good friends just trying to fit in...
-MarkJohn73, Oct 2016
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I have no way of knowing how many things I've forgotten that I said I'll never
-I_Am_Only_O_of_Ruin, Mar 2016
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Your future self is desperately wishing you would do something right now.
-DiZeez, Mar 2016

should I say we deal with political dissent like hate speech, or they deal with hate speech like political dissent?

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Software engineers are constantly subjected to the same conundrum Blaise Pascal faced when he wrote, “I would have written a shorter letter, but I didn’t have the time.”

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The US is the world's 'Florida man'.
-atoddlershothis, May 2016
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!