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@niconiconi I love it when you "just want to draw some boxes", and end up inadvertently unearthing some algorithmic eldtritch horror. Usually in these cases, the problem has been solved a grand total of like, once, fourty years ago, in Fortran and everybody just keeps using that one solution.

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not sure if I can pass a blind test after compiling a codec for aac bluetooth :8091:

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@fulkrum 这段话挺有意思,最近(重新)学了一点贝叶斯决策,说是很多人即使看到了多个不同来源的强证据,也不会上调足够的概率……

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It's a fallacy to assign personhood to a mathematical model that happens to be able to produce convincing human language. But it is also a fallacy to deny personhood just because a system has a purely mathematical foundation -- ultimately, we, our brains, also have to emerge from the very much mathematical physics substrate of this universe.

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A Python programmer learned Lisp and Haskell. This is what happened to their code.

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some artificial agents have strong natural language processing capabilities, but semantic web should be the accessibility standard for robots... then I remembered how bad accessibility still is for some humans.

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I stopped adding soap to my dishwasher and the result looked fine most of the time :0090:

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is it still imposter syndrome if oneself calls it that way?


ghosted boosted 有研究者认为语言模型局限性太大,并无法实现 AGI。但是这种暴力堆砌的方法(将人类的每一种能力,例如语言、逻辑、情绪,都训练为一个巨型模型,然后用胶水语言将它们连接起来,并实现人类开发者给定的目标),有可能可以实现一种“封闭式准人类”。这种“封闭式准人类”将会非常擅长将人类曾经产生的东西重新组合,也可能替代专业工作者,甚至可能会产生某种简化版本的“意识”,但无法作出真正有创新的科研或艺术成果。


trying to figure out how to explain basic concepts by reading introductory textbook... but if students understood the textbook, why would they go to a tutor apart from getting exercise answers that are withheld for random reasons?

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