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being a realist, accidents are more appropriately referred to as incidents.

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Fix a man's computer, and he'll come back to you for a lifetime. Teach a man
how to fix his computer, and he'll remember it for a day.
-[deleted], Aug 2014
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people's beliefs are both sacred and scary

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java script is when you put #!/usr/bin/java --source at the beginning of your script
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为了摧毁我们的言论自由,认知自由,使我们丧失诚实交流的能力,阻碍παρρησία,Social Justice所采取的第二种手段就是将言论等同于暴力,认为言语就是暴力,并且会对人造成与物理伤害无异的影响。这种说法我已经听过无数遍了,可无论听了多少遍,我都依然觉得反感,就像看到了蟑螂一样。心理学教授Lisa Feldman Barrett给纽约时报写过一篇很火的文章,叫做《当言语变成了暴力》(When speech is violent),试图将“言语等于暴力”这一说法合理化,以此作为她在谈论神经系统和受压反应时的依据。显而易见,言语是言语,暴力是暴力,一个有实体,一个没实体,两者是不一样的东西,英国哲学家Gilbert Ryle称这种做法为“分类错误”(category mistake)。除了明显的逻辑错误之外,把言语等于暴力还会带来更严重的问题。Jonathan Haidt和Greg Lucianov在亚特兰大报的一篇名为《为什么告诉学生言语等于暴力是错的》的文章中出色地指出了这一点。他们写道:“这一代年轻人本就饱受焦虑与忧郁之苦,再向他们夸大世界的暴力和威胁的话,就等于是在告诉他们,言语、思想、和发言的人真的能杀掉他们。更为糟糕的是,在当今政治极化日益加剧的美国,这实际上就是鼓励部分年轻人采取政治暴力。因为假如言语真的等于暴力,那么如果有人说了我不爱听的话,他们就真的在对我施加暴力,那么相应地,我自己就可以用(物理的)暴力来以暴制暴。事实上,在2017盛行一时的为“攻击纳粹”而辩护的风气中,我们就能发现这种思维方式,当时,一位真正的新纳粹Richard Spenser就受到了突然袭击。这种思维同样还表现为“泼奶昔”行为,即向意识形态敌人泼洒奶昔,英国最近就发生了这样的事情,美国也有类似的案例。



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Surgeons who perform sex change operations should be known as Trans-formers
-chrismonx, Jun 2015
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My proof reading skills instantly increase 1000% as soon as I press "send"
-DVMyZone, Sep 2016
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I also read some stuff on Reddit about why Protonmail should shut down rather than comply.

The Lavabit strategy is commendable but I think the damage it would do generally would be tremendous if it happened.

I personally believe Proton is striking the best balance they can in this circumstance.

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@mia @puniko @a_breakin_glass and the ending: one magical girl saved us all by making a wish to change the proprietary EULA to AGPLv3. But who's that girl?

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I don't think we're thankful enough that the whole world agreed on the same
units of time.
-Pasurojiti, Jul 2016
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@chjara all programming languages are interpreted languages to the CPU.

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me: time to do some work
my brain:

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Have you noticed the way people's intelligence capabilities decline
sharply the minute they start waving guns around?
-- Dr. Who
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