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Despite our plans for a gradual transition, FSF staff and GNU volunteers are no longer in control of the #fsf and #gnu channels on the Freenode network. Please find us at instead.

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Nobody wants to sell Linux antivirus anymore, they want to sell cloud endpoint protection hwatever the fuck
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@natecull People were always afraid of AIs, but for the wrong reasons.

Instead of "what if the AI becomes too smart and decides it doesn't want or need humans", the real concern is "what if the AI is really dumb and programmed by really dumb people but people take important decisions based on it's (wrong) conclusions because they think it's smart".

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Oh... actually, it's a bit more complicated... dammit, English! 🤦‍♂️

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People who declare that they're removing all the "toxic people in their lives" tend to be toxic people.


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Before going to sleep, 10 or 15 minutes seems like nothing. But once you have to wake up, you’d kill for those 10 or 15 minutes.

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The meaning of life is 42. The ascii code 42 is “*”, which is a wildcard in regex. Thus, the meaning of life is whatever you want it to be :)


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黄鼠还莫名其妙地,经常向往变成女孩子。冥冥中模糊地幻想着“变成女孩子有多美好呀”,然后并不知道具体美好在哪里。变成女孩子有什么意义?它又不会使我能够做原来做不到的事。有什么事情是只有变成女孩子才能做的吗?几乎所有人类能做的事情应该都是不分性别的,否则就说明性别平权还没有实现。黄鼠绞尽脑汁能够想到的只有女孩子能做、其他性别做不到的事情,都是与生殖器有关的,比如生产后代,而且这还不是所有女孩子都能够做的。生产后代和“美好”在黄鼠的字典中完全是反义词。既然所有黄鼠想做的事情都不是只有女性可以做的,那变成女孩子对于黄鼠来说就是一件没有收获的事情。对于这样一件收获为 0 的事情来说,它的付出可太多了:要消耗大量的时间和金钱,要面对更大的风险被怀有偏见的人排挤,要缩短寿命……这样多的努力之后还不一定有显著成果,还要增添焦虑。黄鼠的理性思考不能够理解为什么自己想要做这样一件高成本 0 收益的事情。即使是有魔法,而且还是不需要和恶魔签订契约的那种魔法,那变成女孩子也最多是一件 0 成本 0 收益的事。说不定变了之后真的会发现有什么收获,可是黄鼠不觉得花费这样高昂的成本去碰这样小的概率是值得的。

every unmatched opening bracket could be a void crying one's inability to articulate oneself (


now that I've learned to give up unrealistic fantasies about mastodon being somehow more friendlier than other SNS, my timeline is consisted of casual updates from acquaintances and some aggressively filtered entries floating around. Some machine-generated shitposting amusingly get through my filters, but I find them more bearable than humans righteously propagating value judgments.

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Anything can be a verb if you wrong it enough.

I thought I needed love.
It turned out that I need salvation.

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Why are there 2 A's in Aaron? Why not 6? What's stopping us?
-sdendis, Mar 2015
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想要有人可以对着真心地唱 Never Gonna Give You Up 。
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!