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A platform locked down from hardware to deny you every freedom as a user is somehow protecting your privacy. This is as much a joke as "Microsoft loves Linux".

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If I was teleported to the middle ages, I'd have no idea how to recreate any
current technology.
-KassHS, Mar 2016
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在网上碰到不少人,他们对美好社会的愿景,都建立在一堆他们口中的正义之上。但那些愿景带来的结果,就是未来和我类似的孩子,将会在 13 岁左右的时候,被那些人所期待的社会删除掉。这种东西其实谈不上什么赞同与不赞同了,也谈不上什么价值问题了,更不要说什么为了多数人牺牲少数人了,而是我都被删除了还有什么好谈的。二十年前的政府和父母都没有去把那时候的我删除掉,自诩代表更美好的未来的人,总是想着随随便便就删除一些生活方式,这可能是我感受到过的最荒诞的事之一了。小时候我说「不要删除我」,人家说「你还是孩子。」大了我说「不要删除小时候的我」,人家说「你这种想法是要不利于孩子。」不得不说,这份删除别人的决心,是很果断了。能通过读两本破书把使别人消失这件事说得如此冠冕堂皇,也是很伟大的文明成果了。

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Hey FOSS developers, which one makes you happier?

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I also wrote about why the laws that let the RIAA threaten github and youtube-dl isn't a uniquely American problem (though it kind of started there):

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真的讨厌现在这种仿佛不吸烟喝酒就谈不了生意的氛围 :ablobcatgrumpy:




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@lilydjwg 如果性別可以交換,那該多好呀。

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#Japanese #Hentai Is Now Banned in Australia

The comics are now regarded as “illegal pornography,” following fears of child porn being brought into the country.

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I close Reddit because I'm bored, But then instinctively open it back up
because I'm bored
-Pure_Sellout, Oct 2016
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I'll never understand how to choose the right spec for a personal computer when I want to use it for almost everything with an unspecified budget

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Being on reddit means you're too weird for Facebook, but not weird enough for
-marikaga, Mar 2016
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I've got 99 problems and 98 of them can be attributed to poor time management
and self control.
-1001tigers, Apr 2015
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Why do people always complain about deliverability to Gmail from self-hosted servers when actually Gmail has little problem with self-hosted servers. It is Outlook that outright rejects / junks 99% percent of emails from an address not in their whitelist.

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