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Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India



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#二手新闻 国家图书馆互联网信息战略保存基地保存了新浪网上发布的所有微博,截止 2018 年 12 月已超过 2000 亿条。

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When someone tells you he/she switched from Facebook to Twitter because he/she was concerned about his/her data being sold to third party companies...
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Just updated keybase and see several more Mastodon instances were added.

We can not stress enough the importance of allowing ANY / ALL / EVERY Mastodon instance to be supported.

I am hoping that the Mastodon list is completely removed and you just prompt for the user's mastodon profile. I am not really clear why that isn't already the case.



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Google 好些时候之前提交了份新草案叫 Signed HTTP Exchanges [1],大概意思是网站可以对一组请求(request/response)签名,这样缓存服务器就可以对其缓存,客户端也可以进行验证。Mozilla 认为此草案是有害的 [2]。
然后根据这个草案 Chrome 出了一个新功能 [3],可以让 AMP 页面不再显示在 Google 的 url 下,而是显示为内容源 url(因为签了名所以没有安全问题)。

请不要实现一堆实际上没什么意义的特性还把它推到草案上... 更何况 AMP 本身就有被 Google 控制的原罪。



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So @keybase is not going to bother with micro/family instances (e.g. <5 users). Great.

Careful Fediverse, "centralization"-first is coming. Or at least "large-instances-first".

Keybase recommends to use the website verification for those small instances, fine, but this won't support the encrypted messages that were proudly announced 7 paragraphs before.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Keybase

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I just got an email from some African banker who wants to rescue some millions from an abandoned bank account. So I checked where it comes from: Gmail.

Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, the probably biggest sources of spam these days. But the spam from those providers still makes it into millions of inboxes.

On the other hand there is my little mail server, running for years now and never send any spam mail… Way to often filtered out and put into a spam folder for no reason… it's just sad.

#email #spam

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stm digitalocean 的 referral 送 $100 的,我走学生优惠是 $50……



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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!