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本来电脑都收包里了,突然想到这个,硬是翻出来爬了整个 channel 就为了搜这条。为了环保的还是应该直接推碳排量税,不然省了白省


okay I just upgraded mastodon to 2.5.2 (a XSS has been floating around for like, 10 days...)

/me feels guilty now

No, I don't like salmon, but it's weird to eat wasabi without anything 🤣

ghosted boosted

Oh! I learned today that some students seem to use a collecive Google Doc to take notes during class, where everyone sees if someone's confused and can get an answer right in the moment. Like, a whole lecture hall just taking a group note and at the end of the semester, a huge wiki basically to help you study. Such a brilliant idea.


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@doctorow: "if you buy a Pixel 3, there's a bizarre, obscure option where you are given the chance to enter your device's serial number in order to opt out of binding arbitration." #bewaretheleopard

Screenshot CC BY-SA Sean O'Brien

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20 years ago: "And in the future the internet will replace the need to have a telephone entirely!" 🖥️ :blobuwu:

Now: "You must have a phone number to access this website/service" ☎️

在 debian-legal 上读完一篇解读然后结尾突然 IANAL……喷了

name a thing and they'll find a way to sexually engage with it

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Oh, CLA is evil but we accept it anyway because everyone else does ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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corporate open source software licensing practice is heading two extremes...

a. as permissive as possible to attract adoption and contribution, with a business model of selling support/customization service
b. as far reaching as possible to make it de facto impossible to comply, with a business model of selling proprietary license

GPL fits neither of them. Heck, even AGPL isn't enough for b., does SSPL's language potentially cover the kernel if your application runs on linux? IANAL ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

一只蜘蛛从脸上爬过 (✽ ゚д゚ ✽)

back to the "if it runs at all, it is trusted" threat model

It just occurred to me that politics treats people as monkeys and economics doesn't even treat people as real lifes

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Amazing shit #Discord is trying to pull here. Be careful what shit you agree with and protect your future self. -

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!