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just realized I rarely get chances to write some actual code properly... always poking around


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@PeterCxy All I want is a phone with at least a 1080p oled, no notch, Has a bit of waterproofness, has no glass back, has a headphone jack, is flashable with lineage and has a decent camera.

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推荐大家多多使用一种点对点(P2P)、可替代(fungible)、匿名、支持冷存储的通用支付系统——现金。记住,为了确保交易的绝对安全,Don't Trust, Verify(例如紫外线灯)! ​​​​

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spent a whole day configuring collabora online, and decided to uninstall after seeing the effect. still need more development. hope collabora can get enough enterprise onboard though

ownCloud definitely wins on the software freedom aspect, but the lack of e2ee is a significant factor to me. NextCloud seems to have e2ee but I avoided it from the start due to the "nightmare", quoting a Debian Security member.

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so I just setup my ownCloud instance.

wondering whether I should trust my VPS provider over MEGA's (supposedly safe) E2EE that doesn't even support main key rotating. the problem is I need to be able to access from mobile, thus a somehow "zero-knowledge" solution is needed.

since when we need to start a roll of services which start a bunch of processes for each, just to serve a freaking webpage.

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char (*(*f(char (*(*(*(*(*g)())[5][2])())())[100]))())[16][256]

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