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How do we manage memory? Sometimes it uses malloc(), sometimes it uses new, sometimes it uses RAII. How do we store data? Sometimes it uses a pointer from malloc(), sometimes it uses std::vector, sometimes it uses classes.

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is it normal to forget so much knowledge in just a year :8091:

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@superfren @Claude it reminds me of how everyone thought the internet would give humanity the power to know anything at any time and we'd all become walking encyclopedias and then it was used for nothing but cats and porn and catgirl porn.
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a language conscious ideology names everything bad after man :0090:

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@mariotaku 这是对男性的性别刻板印象(好了,这下我看起来也像个男的了(悲

family is a weird place where you suppose there are aligned interests but each party proceeds to sabotage the relationship anyway

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看到时间线上有嘟友发 Cloudflare 新 Fediverse 项目 Wildebeest 。

虽然 Wildebeest 这个项目第一眼看到就觉得是坑,研究了之后,发现不但是坑,而且是大坑,掉进去爬不出来的那种。


Images Storage $5
Images Delivery $1
Worker 5$

Images 两个看了图二,想必各位很好理解。

在此特别解释一下 Worker 那5刀是怎么来的。
Worker Free Plan 不是每日包含10万请求吗?我只是轻度使用,不用升级 Paid Plan 吧?
但是千万不要忘记 Wildebeest 项目使用 ​​Workers KV 作为缓存。而 Cloudlfare Worker Free Plan 每日只有1千次写入额度。

使用 KVNamespace 进行全局搜索,涉及 Workers KV 写入操作的函数和API如图四所示。
可以看出 Home TimeLine 完全是基于 Workers KV 实现的。而每收到一次 /user/<id>/inbox 请求都会产生两次 Workers KV 写入操作。

而且更为糟糕的是,D1现在还处在 Alpha 阶段,暂时免费,也没有收费标准。
但参考友商的 RDS 收费标准,想必价格是不可能便宜的。

最后,也是最为关键的是 Wildebeest 项目与 Cloudflare 基础设施深度绑定,你想逃都没法逃,想搬到别家去,no way。


Akamai owns Linode

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and in sg, people who opt-out donor status also opt-out receiver priority :0090:

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be a donor and get sliced into pieces
don't be a donor and get hammered into pellets

...why do people even choose

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