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which one is more effective capex - buy hardware or buy shares of hardware renting companies

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Confirmation bias is a feature, not a bug

No brain: Your brain's intuition always work.
Small brain: Your brain's intuition is vulnerable to biases so you should try to compensate for them to be more Bayesian.
Galaxy brain: Not like that. Biases arise exactly as a result of the brain being a Bayesian predictive processor, not because of its absence.

感觉把我的中文算作母语水平有些作弊,明明提笔忘字的程度已经可以开生词簿了 :8091: 如果当时学了五笔而不是双拼的话,不知道会不会改善一些

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I had a dream about zoom acquiring keybase then realised it's not just a dream :excited:

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非二元性别没品笑话:非二元可以考虑读个博士,这样别人只会叫你“Dr. xxx”“x博士”,从而免除被叫做“Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms”“x先生/x女士/x小姐/x男士”的苦恼 :mastodon_happy:

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Tech people need to stop excusing crappy accessibility with looks

No, "it looks better" is not an excuse to have terrible text contrast, among plenty of other things

DevFromHell: trading space for time until it took too long to initalise the space

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嘟。我是一头没有感情也没有头像的冷酷机器象,为你播报今天 的热榜。我对它们不予置评:


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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!