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🤔 为了税收优惠割出形婚的婚前协议是否违背公序良俗?

The Answer Is Always Transactional Cost ™


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"Use Log4Shell vulnerability to vaccinate a victim server against Log4Shell "

更新到 firefox 91esr,发现不再支持紧凑模式,感觉自己成了奇怪的钉子户。

reading an instructor's manual unmatched with the textbook edition is perhaps more educational than the correct edition...

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Ecosia是一个德国的搜索引擎,无需翻墙,搜索结果由bing提供,相对来说比很多搜索引擎都更支持中文搜索,没有百度那样烦人的小广告,Ecosia 采取与 DuckDuckGo 类似的广告投放方式 — 根据搜索关键词投放广告,但并不会保存查询历史,或跨站跟踪,企图建立用户的侧写,并且Ecosia的广告收入扣除成本全都盈余都用于种树,如今他们已经在非洲、南亚、南美洲的一些国家种了将近一亿四千万课树了。

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@Gargron physically? no. "master" quality generally implies better precision (bit rate = frequency range) and lower noise (bit depth = dynamic range) while applying effects. it produces no audible difference. well, unless you could hear the difference between a jet engine and literally bursting your eardrums.

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I was supposed to get breakfast, but then I opened Fedi...

lol, a release-critical bug blocked a package transition, which then prompted users worrying about delayed security updates to open a new bug about the block{,a{d,g}e}

most of the time when people say it works in theory, the theory doesn't work

I might finally need a phone case. to protect my hands from the scratches on the phone.

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