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fighting one's own morality feels bad but fighting that of another person feels righteous.

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As much as I'd like to see Clubhouse fail it's a bit ridiculous the media is running with a "leak" of user data... It's all public profile stuff

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“Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist, and then we beat it out of them. A few trickle through the system with their wonder and enthusiasm for science intact.”

— Carl Sagan

#quote #CarlSagan

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Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
Computer Systems Architecture: A Networking Approach


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RFC 8962 - Establishing the Protocol Police
1 April 2021

One mantra of the IETF is, "We are not the Protocol Police." However, to ensure that protocols are implemented and deployed in full compliance with the IETF's standards, it is important to set up a body that is responsible for assessing and enforcing correct protocol behavior.

This document formally establishes the Protocol Police. It defines the body and sets out what aspects of IETF protocols they will police. This document acts as a point of reference for networking engineers, law enforcement officials, government representatives, and others.

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> While chromium metal and Cr(III) ions are considered non-toxic, hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), is toxic and carcinogenic.

I always think "Cr(III)" is an excellent project name for a clean fork of Google Chrome / Chromium.

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the only legitimate drama in software development is blaming someone for BREAKING THE USERSPACE

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Sometimes I wish there was a "Why" function on toots in the federated timeline. Just to see why this ended up in my federated timeline.


how do you know whether crowd sourcing is group think?

in a command economy you report your enemies to the party, in a market economy you boycott them?

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I need to stop reading politics and back to programming. Just read a blog post about the history of UNIX and its significance to transgender transhumanism, a brief review of the trolls, fascists, and the "alt-right", written by a neoreactionary zealot (obnoxious but answered some questions I had), a satirical website on accelerationism, and more... As a wannabe sociologist, the fun can be endless but It's guaranteed to reduce sanity points and use up all my time and brainpower (insert "it really makes you think" meme) that leaves me nothing to think about things like Karatsuba multiplication or Montgomery Ladder.

Note to self again: Don't read politics in the next 6 months, especially, resist my urge to do a classification of accelerationism in China... Now investigate the performance difference between early reduction and late reduction in bignum multiplication, and should that domestic ideology be named "GFW/ACC" or something? Oh, really need to stop...

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@faizalr Remember, every dollar spent on the military is a dollar not spent on CRISPR cat ears!

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