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啊,在联合国向在缅甸搜集军政府罪证的人们,推荐使用 Proton VPN,以免遭到迫害的同时,Apple 拒绝 Proton 更新 APP,因为 Proton 在描述中提到「挑战政府,支援网络自由」。


RT 苹果真是在任何事情中站在哪一边都是完全不用有疑问的公司啊,令人赞叹


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emmmm, how do I put this, hacker news comments seem oddly enlightening

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My brain literally stops working properly after just one night of lack of sleep

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嘟。我是一头没有感情也没有头像的冷酷机器象,为你播报今天 的热榜。我对它们不予置评:


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> It's an X parody of Y, emphatically playing with the cliches and character types. It hardly ever takes itself seriously.

The disadvantage of watching #anime as a latecomer is today's shows have more parodies of plots than actual plots, 70% of the shows are like that. It's possible that your first encounter of a genre is actually written to be a subversion or mockery of that genre... Understanding the messages and jokes in context requires an effort no less than learning to use an operating system and sometimes needs the equivalent of retrocomputing.

I went to check their source, a npr science piece titled "New Research Finds Lonely People Have Superior Social Skills". It seems reasonable to support the claim, except the "research" was "Choking under social pressure: Social monitoring among the lonely". These people were lonely due to poor performance of social skills rather than the lack thereof, but I'd say that's socially awkward in either case.

So: information distortion in only 2 hops, and lonely people do research seriously :8091:

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I was watching kurzgesagt's video on loneliness and picked up a sentence that says "population based studies have shown that social skills make practically no difference for adults when it comes to social connections", with animations showing social/non-social people ending up with random number of social connections. [1/2]

if the US had a NHS style healthcare, obese people would be treated like welfare spongers

treats every stranger with love sounds different than love everyone like strangers

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An operating system consists of kernel space, user space, and browser space.

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What is the worst RAID for your data? 

A police raid.
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