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“Twitter has an algorithm that creates harassment all by itself”

(submitted by cwyers)

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let's agree that nobody ever agrees everything and the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history

actually, we don't even need to agree on this. welcome to cynic/nihilism

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🌶🌶: Imagine what the internet would be like if half the world's web sites didn't share an AS.

I've always wondered what can I do with a Raspberry pi...

感觉以后去搬砖都是自我异化,想找个非营利组织的工作有多难呢 🤔

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Do you want to read about hell? Here is a horrifying story about a Japanese company where you use internal currency to buy literally everything and auction off your own time.

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@Jirajine 的回答很有参考价值


备注:不能抵抗对方仔细搜查;安全性不如备机方案;对于日常使用(如果需要使用国内流氓应用的话,eg. wechat)影响较大。

3、adb honeypot
备注:这是一条很好的思路,但是还没有现成可用的项目。搜索了一下,找到了两个相关的项目,但其中一个[1]是针对网络而言的,另一个[2]倒比较对口,why 中更是声明这个项目的目的就是阻止查手机的,但仔细看了一下,项目中只有几个 README,并没有什么实际代码。


4、recover 备份,双清,渡过检查后再恢复。

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Depending on who you talk to, everything is either fine, or we’re living in an oppressive cyberpunk dystopia in which we forgot to drench everything in colored neon lighting. There’s little to be done about the digital surveillance panopticon that stalks our every move, but as far as the aesthetic goes, [...] The latest is a laser jacket, to give you that 2087 look in 2019. 🤣

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Due to the recent discussions about Tusky merging their Gab ban, I'm reposting my series "Imagine if _all_ applications were developed the same way as Fedi apps" with slightly improved screenshots and a new one.

Also, I'd like to clarify my stance on this matter since people thought I'd support Gab or that I'd make inaccurate comparisons.

My motivation for posting these screenshots is that I think blocks like this don't belong in software that is completely detached from the stuff it displays.
Kinds of software that belong in this category are web browsers, email clients, music players, text editors, and also Fedi apps such as Tusky or Fedilab. They are merely tools that allow people to use certain contents or services, but they don't host them and therefore aren't responsible for them.
To me, this isn't a matter of free speech or some free software principles. As a user, I simply don't want developers to force their personal/political opinions onto me in that way. And here is why:

Imagine if more software implemented various kinds of blocks against things the developer doesn't want to support. I'm sure many of you now may think "Cool, so they block things for bad people. How is this a problem?"

The problem is that your view of what "bad people" are or how they should be handled by the software doesn't necessarily have to agree with the developers' views.

A good example for this is the file browser screenshot: Among other files, the message lists a Torrent for an Arch Linux image as blocked. Most likely, the imaginary developer thinks that Torrents are used too often to distribute illegal things, so making them harder to use is more beneficial than not doing it. Would you agree with this?

In the long run, this problem may become worse. What if the political climate in our society shifted and over time, some of the opinions you or people you like/follow/... hold were considered harmful by many software developers? What if you were confronted with messages like the ones in the screenshots all the time because of that?

Many people don't expect that measures taken against "bad people" could ever affect them negatively. After all, they are good people.
This is actually very similar to discussions about privacy invasions, where there are people who "have nothing to hide" and therefore don't care about such problems.

That's the situation I was trying to convey with these screenshots in the same way Black Mirror shows how current technological trends could lead to negative impacts on our society.
Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-06-19 1…
Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-06-01 2…
Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-06-02 1…
Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-06-02 1…
Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-06-17 2…
Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-06-19 1…
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Python 当年主打的一大特色就是「自带电池 (battery included)」,意思是标准库包含多种常用模块,可以完成大量任务。然而这么多年过去了,现在 Python 标准库也积攒了许多遗留代码和技术债务,许多代码不符合 Python 官方的编码规范,还有许多类似 urllib 的模块成了开发者眼中的过时模块。因此,我们也有必要用一句新 Python 口号形容标准库目前的状况——「电池漏液 (battery leaked)」。

但有人又要问了,这电池会不会爆炸呢?答案是不会。Python 是 90 年代中期开发的,没有使用锂离子电池,没那么大威力,比较安全,不会爆炸。电池会爆炸的是 Node.js—— 不自带电池,大家都去淘宝(npm)买,哪个销量大就买哪个,然后隔三差五就有廉价电池爆炸,比如 leftpad 啊什么的……

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