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"mom can i have c++"
"we have c++ at home"
c++ at home: rust
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不用网络定位服务有点悲惨,勉强用用moz的吧,或者可以用更容易开放数据的cell data?

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Due to income inequality Average and Median are two vastly different concepts when talking about economics. Any study that only looks at the "average american" or something like that is going to come out with very skewed results. The "average american" is of a higher class than the "median american" would be.

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William Gibson criticized Cyberpunk 2077. Predictably, the subreddit for the game got stupid about it and insulted him.

But this has to be my favorite string of comments from the whole thread:

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many times when there's an UI redesign:

Ok someone probably spent a whole lot of time working on this but it doesn't make it any better

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Hello everyone !

📢 🔴 URGENT 🔴

An awesome software is dying, because its #developper has not time anymore to care of it.

It's an alternative of Adobe AfterEffect : Natron (

Please, can Mastodon community search for a C++ dev, which want to maintain it ? or search for a company which work with free software ? It's very important.

Boost very appreciated

Thanks in advance for your contribution !

#Dev #Mastodon #C++ #Python

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[AED 女性への使用に抵抗感? 京大調査]

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有很多事想做,最後就變成什麼也不做,就像一根箭很好折斷, 三支箭則很難折斷,沒錯!這是團結的力量!



We the cynic are doomed to backfire ourselves, but some don't even live long enough to be backfired, which kind of annoys me...

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