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全球最大的色情网站之一Pornhub正在考虑收购Tumblr,Tumblr的母公司Verizon近日一直在寻找Tumblr的买家。Tumblr从去年开始大力整治色情内容问题,造成流量下降,用户流失,Pornhub对此表示惋惜,并希望未来可以重现Tumblr的辉煌……(英国《每日邮报》) ​​​​

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卧槽,无意之中发现我用的翻译软件是 awk magic,从 /inet 发 http 请求,这该怎么搞 https :8091:

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@citrustwee @kaniini @toilet How is it normal to have a photo album of actual children on your coffee table?
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the main difference between mastodon and pleroma from a development perspective is that Gargron sees Mastodon itself as a product.

instead, we see the instances themselves as the product. we recognize that the "product" comes from the admin time spent on building their community and thus want to provide a good tool for them to do so.

this is precisely why we make everything configurable. in other words, the communities you build with the software are the actual product, and this has lead to a vibrant fediverse where everyone has their own corner.
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Mozilla is shutting down their IRC servers and moving to Discord, a proprietary chat service.

Hey Mozilla, aren't we forgetting something here? Our very own "Mozilla Pledge for a Healthy Internet” states:

> Principle 2 The internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.

> Principle 6 The effectiveness of the internet as a public resource depends upon interoperability (protocols, data formats, content), innovation and decentralized participation worldwide.

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Docker Hub 向用户报告了一次最近发生的未授权数据库访问。约 19 万账户(总用户的 5%)的用户名、密码散列值和用于自动构建的 token 被暴露。


父母打钱是记收入还是债务还是权益啊 :8091:

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遇事不决,量子力学。 XDDD 网友们真是太人才了



> the Googles and Apples of the world can still snap up any and all domain names they want, and it won’t even cost them the INTEREST on their cash holdings. But the difference between $10/year and, say, $100/year, well, that is the difference between having a presence on the internet, and just using Twitter to tell people things.

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I've been saying this forever: do not call them clones (Twitter clone, Instagram clone, etc) Don't build the "free and open X" build the platform you NEED, whatever that is, and make it free and open.

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No matter which social network you're on, following a diverse group of people helps you taking a peek at the other side of your personal filter bubble.

You don't have to agree with everything and everyone, but please, at least try to listen to people and their opinions.

It will help you appreciate your own life, and may just make you a little wiser.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!