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LibreOffice Calc 的效率惨不忍睹,还是单线程的\(◎o◎)/


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说到底软件烂是一回事,资本家的剥削才是根源 :0230:

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If you have a problem with another user, please report them and explain the problem instead of encouraging other users to dogpile them. This isn't Tumblr or Twitter; there are actual moderators here who will try to handle disputes.

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Now that I've made my way through the Infinite Dick Parade that was the reports queue this morning:

You MUST use the sensitive-image overlay if you post an NSFW image to the public timelines.

You are not required to do so, but PLEASE tag the image in some other way to let people know what the content of the sensitive image is.

Also, PLEASE use a CW (just "NSFW" is fine) if you're going to use graphic terms to describe the image.

(Hashtags in the CW text don't work. Hashtags UNDER a CW do.)

> The first version of this project was called guillotine, based on French revolution, in relation with the Riot client name, but it's a negative name so we decide to change for a math one.

protest culture ahah

I wonder why only 5 designers in Google have signed the letter... While there're hundreds of engineers

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The car of the future will come with a 50 page EULA that prevents you from modifying anything or fixing it yourself, sends the map of every trip you make back to the manufacturer, can't be resold, and won't be supported 5 years from the purchase.

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A donation for @conservancy = support for :inkscape: and other community-driven free software projects. If you can help out, #PIA will match donations made before end of 2018. Help keep cool projects and #FLOSS software alive & kicking!


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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!