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I wonder why only 5 designers in Google have signed the letter... While there're hundreds of engineers

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The car of the future will come with a 50 page EULA that prevents you from modifying anything or fixing it yourself, sends the map of every trip you make back to the manufacturer, can't be resold, and won't be supported 5 years from the purchase.

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A donation for @conservancy = support for :inkscape: and other community-driven free software projects. If you can help out, #PIA will match donations made before end of 2018. Help keep cool projects and #FLOSS software alive & kicking!


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「电波钟说明书上说:对时过程中不要移动。这是不是防止多普勒效应影响信号接收?」这一定是来自学园都市的 Lv.4 超能力者…… ​





体验最后一天突然来回改版的甲方 🤦

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I have to silence them or the global timeline will contain nothing other than catgirls. 🤣

we are now running v2.6.2, and I enabled a new relay (which only synced some catgirls so far 🤣 )

The thing is you can't simply prove them wrong (as if they were going to believe it), until the moment they happened to go through some miserable consequences by chance (sometimes not even in this life). But even if it did happen, it'd be too late for anything to be changed.

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the majority is called majority for a reason, so is bigot

The most usable Qt client for matrix is now unmaintained (・・;



is there a reason that people buy AMD's CPU other than `it's not Intel` in 2018?

之前一直觉得 osu!lazer 的判定要难,后来发现原来是我以前 osu! 的 skin 故意把边界缩小了,然后换到在边界外就打不着的就很不适应 🌚

不管怎么说,osu!lazer 在 linux 上算是能玩了,什么时候买个 !support 资瓷一下(

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!