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In the battle of crypto != cryptocurrency, we have no leverage. I say we steal "blockchain" and use it to describe block cipher modes. "AES can be used in a variety of blockchain modes, such as CBC, ECB, or OTR." We then offer a hostage exchange.


语言类工具硬广 打折了,优惠码 newsletter2018,25% off,七天有效期

比起 grammarly 的优势:

英语支持没 grammarly 精准,没有查重库,没有加钱人工审阅

我算是被 Grammarly 不会说人话的客服给气到了,加上按 Grammarly 的隐私协议他们能随便用客户数据,很久以前就放弃了 🤣 其实 也能凑合,我买 plus 基本就是表个心意(

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233333333333333333,这课程大纲也太搞笑了…… ​​​​


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I just realized that git defaults to `master` branch 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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"even our own search partners have more expansive data than we do about our own business"

so in the end of the day Mozilla is a corporation and has to make money by surrendering to search partners who collect whatever they want off users

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I mean, it's not about what got sent, but whether I gave my consent to it. I'm fine with debian collecting my installed packages, but it involves a level of trust that Mozilla no longer deserves.

comparing to the website version, I'd rather type something like

`trans "I can eat glass it does not hurt me" -t ja`
`youtube-dl${RANDOM} | vlc -`

to skip the cliche and have proper performance (not to mention all the telemetry and drm)

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But you know what... I actually prefer accessible content over aesthetic designs, CONTENT

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“Why does Chrome need a designer?”

“Unboxing Chrome” by

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Reading online news, 2008:
- go to website
- read news

Reading online news, 2018:
- go to website
- no, don’t share location
- hell no, don’t send me notifications
- consent to cookie warning
- consent to policies
- no, don’t open in app
- no, don’t want the newsletter
- skip inspirational quote
- close full page ad
- read news

ghosted boosted

@PeterCxy @bram i mean, you're basically asking the OS to garbage collect your program in the only way it knows how: preventing it from running at all

since when we started considering a 130KB blog page "compact", I just can't resist putting THAT 83KB cover image lol, at least it's the last loaded luxury

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!