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ghosted boosted

有人开始在 PeerTube 发新番动画了……这软件项目还处于如此早期阶段,P2P 网络规模很小,这样顶风作案不知道会不会盯上,就不懂闷声发大财吗?但另一方面说,也就是新番动画之类的资源能快速吸引新用户来扩大网络规模了。 🤣

谁对那张 拼凑软件组件获取灵活性 -> 安全漏洞 -> 封装 -> 拼凑新组件 的图有印象的,突然想到但找不到了 😂

So @Purism happened to use wordfence which happened to block my tor exit node

自从用 debian stable 之后越来越佛系,本来 /opt 还放了 beta 的 firefox 和 thunderbird,一波安全推送之后全部用 repo 里的 esr 了 😂

ghosted boosted

@ghost 先不说向群众推广。

根据我微博的观察,国内的科技专业从业者,哪怕是泛 ACG 圈的新一代,对这些议题态度也通常分类三类:

要么是 indifference:资本都是邪恶的,都是只看利益的。因此,任何公司的任何产品都没什么区别,好用就用,不好用就不用。


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ghosted boosted

Someone brought up a really good point about headphone jacks. I want to clarify that I'm not demeaning the criticism of their removal. I think it's yet another disgusting aspect of the widespread exercise of control and a massive security fail.

My audio peripherals got no fucking business accessing a port or wireless protocol that can send actual data instead of audio-only signal. Fuck off with that shit. People WILL be keylogged because of this.

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Give creators 100 years of copyright, and corporations will require that it be assigned to them for the full duration as a condition of publication.

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Giving creators more copyright powers to combat exploitation by monopolistic corporations is like giving your kid more cash to compensate for having his lunch money stolen by schoolyard bullies. They'll take that too.

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@leo_song 想起之前辩论信息安全问题的一段对话。

?:一旦遇到 Evil Maid Attack,女仆一来,你这安全措施有什么用?
我:连物理跳线都挡不住攻击者,要这么说的话,女仆还会用热风枪换芯片、插上个 Bad-PCI-e、安装键盘记录器、偷取 Master Key、恶搞内核!女仆是最强的!这种偏执的威胁模型下,还谈何防御?!

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ghosted boosted

I'm not saying it's relevant to me, but an interesting trend in tech to observed anyway -

New iPhone, higher screen resolution, faster CPU, larger battery capacity, bigger Flash storage, etc, while still coming with the same 5-watt charger just like those they made in 2008, unbelievable! Somehow, for some reasons, something will never change...

Oops, there has been some change, now with state-of-art DRM!

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Microsoft apologists: MSFT has changed! They are no longer the iron grip monopolists they were in the 90s and 00s, they are open now and love Linux and open source


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RT EU developers, don't let THIS happen to you. Tell your MEPs to protect software when they vote on Wednesday.

Learn more 👉


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@hcl @leo_song 再次重申一下,几乎任何匿名技术靠的都是匿名用户集合的大小,而不是靠隐藏用户正在使用匿名技术这一特征实现的。因此特征是很明显的,但是几百万用户都拥有同样的特征。

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