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who the hell coined the word "technical virgin"

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ghosted boosted 刑法学按执行能力定刑期很好理解,然后我就在想未来如果有完美执行能力是不是能搞出个死刑起步凌迟加刑的(反)乌托邦

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So signal is having technical difficulties due to user influx. Signal didn't want to decentralize because it wanted to be able to continue to provide a reliable exoerience. Yet here they are unable to provide a reliable experience BECAUSE they are centralized.


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When you refer to something that is not there, you can refer to its vacuity. A stern teacher who is criticizing an empty-headed English essay might talk about its vacuity, or the absence of any real substance.

This abstract noun is derived from the adjective vacuous, which means "like or of a vacuum." Vacuity is rarely used to refer to actual vacuums; it is instead used to disparage arguments, morals, and undertakings that lack proper substance. These transferred meanings are more common for the adjective as well. Use them both sparingly: they are nearly always a marker that you have your judgment hat on!

Usage Examples:

“To some, however, she will forever epitomize the Trump administration’s intellectual vacuity and narcissism.” - NYT

“It rescues our meetings from vacuity, creates fabulous places to work, brings humanity to leadership and leadership to humanity.” - GUD

“Yet the Republican decision this year to adopt no policy platform whatsoever shines a light on the democratic significance of the exercise - and the alarming vacuity of the Republican Party under President Trump.” - WTM

“Yet the Republican decision this year to adopt no policy platform whatsoever shines a light on the democratic significance of the exercise — and the alarming vacuity of the Republican Party under President Trump.” - WPO


Show thread 为了点击率吧,我光看标题还以为弃婴呢 麻烦先了解下事实,怀孕期间感染性病然后解约的,生下来是代孕的决定,然后甲方得知后表示要小孩的

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"Parler於週一(11日) 向西雅圖聯邦法院提起訴訟,指控亞馬遜出於政治目的與減少競爭以讓另1個客戶Twitter受益,將該公司踢出其雲端運算服務,並也違反雙方公司早前簽屬的合約協議,要求法院發佈緊急命令,讓亞馬遜恢復Parler雲端運算服務。"

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telegram is only a harm-reduction for wechat until matrix client is usable

@angristan @PeterCxy they seem pretty proud of their home-made cryptography, which I'd assume as snake oil.

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@sheogorath @Moon I say the offense comes from damage, rather than the speech itself. otherwise any speech can be deemed dangerous if you try hard enough. I'm from a socialist state, so I shall point you to the USSR joke that the USSR constitution protects freedom of speech perfectly well, except it doesn't cover freedom after speech.

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