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草,幻听到男权对女权说 no one is free until everyone is free,虽然这句话听着就很平权。

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男权说中止权缺失,部分女权也认,这下大家都没了,又回到最初的起点 :elder_phone:

我就想确认下pulseaudio的codec,结果看了一场CoC drama…

every so often I wonder what does the Mozilla foundation leadership actually do

The charity world is as weird as other corporates. Internet Archive had a ~$17m grant that went to Open Library of Richmond Inc., which had a yearly functional expense of ~$5.4m including a grant to Open Library of Pennsylvania LLC for real estate (financial audit not found) and another grant to Internet Archive (???). Having activities aggregated to numbers without context is weird enough, you might as well have a for-profit corporation like Mozilla 😂

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!