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crab I literally forgot to run db migration after updating, and I only realised it until I missed some notifications😂

试着关了下 blocker……真的 web 这生态怎么都不对劲,而且付费墙的隐私问题也很严重啊


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it's definitely a design boost 👍 Wish I could show more appreciation for the effort

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I can't imagine any practical approach as long as the majority v. minority situation doesn't change...

Justice and metaphysics: we have "in good faith", "reasonable", "neutral", "respectful". Whatever they actually mean

趴窝的人数什么时候变成 的两倍了,到底谁是旗舰 hhhh


咦霓虹也有公序良俗这种兜底 (顶?) 条款啊

想了想说成 let Google live your life 好像也没问题?

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!