a political economist demonstrating how does the State reduce transaction cost: I can swipe a plastic card to exchange an expensive TV from a store, without the merchant worrying about fake money or me worrying about a rock inside the TV box.

the State of China: BEWARE OF FRAUD!

@ghost 实际上澳大利亚也是稍微大额的刷卡就会要求密码


@leo_song 我一直觉得信用卡的验证机制主要依赖于警察……商户心大的可以cvv都不要

@ghost 澳大利亚警察连吸毒的都管不了,哪来的闲人去查信用卡诈骗🤣

@ghost 依赖于警察,那就是说可以坐等警察把案子垒大了再调查

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