除了往 GitHub 邮箱发垃圾邮件之外,最近几年经常有一些低级的技术公司爬 Linux 内核的 git 日志,然后判断开发者的姓名是否为中文,并群发招聘的垃圾邮件。每提交一个新内核补丁,就能收到三封垃圾邮件。还说什么招聘什么什么核心高端人才,鬼才信,我自己都不信我是什么高端人才……

In addition to those GitHub spammers, another bunch of stupid Chinese companies are scanning "git log" of torvalds/linux.git, days and nights. You got a patch merged into the mainline by Greg K.H, and you have a Chinese sign-off name?

Congrats! You'll get automated spams immediately: We offers top job opportunities for experts like you (lol, I don't even believe myself is one), blabla.



@niconiconi it actually makes sense though. even if it's just adding a case statement or fixing documentation spelling, daring submit a patch to mainline proves something. you know, not everyone spots the chance :doge:

@ghost But does it prove that you are willing/more likely to work for a dodgy company?

@niconiconi as far as the campaign cost is concerned, any remote correlation is good enough. I haven't received these for a while though, which kinda saddens me when there're only U.S. Navy Fund popping up.

@ghost yeah, it doesn't cost anything for them to send spams anyway...

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